Saragur M. Srinidhi

The current pandemic has thrust to focus several things that were in the side lines of mainstream technology and waiting to make a breakthrough. One such concept is Cognitive Radio-based IoT. While IoT has made its mark on the technology stage, there is a new thought emerging that a cognition driven radio system is essential in responding to real time scenarios like the present one. We have a survey paper presented by Prof. Sanjeev Gurugopinath et.al. which dives deep into Cognitive Radio-based IoT systems and discusses the various aspects of it from technical challenges to standardization of protocols.

Our Experiential Learning series is getting into the realm of IP Routing and DNS giving a hands-on insight into how DNS and IP routing works behind the scene. The exercises provided allow the student to work at her or his home network (in these days) and learn the basics. We encourage you to follow Prof. Ram P. Rustagi through his tutorial style writing and enrich your learning.

These days are extremely challenging for all of us and I would like to take this opportunity to commend the scientific society for rising to the occasion and fighting the pandemic in its own ways. If the medical fraternity is in the forefront, the computing and communication engineers and professionals both in the industry and academia have ensured that people are connected despite maintaining “social distancing” which is commendable.

I am sure all of you are utilizing this rare opportunity to get yourself in the forefront of doing things that will enrich the field of science, especially the advanced computing and communications.

We at the Advanced Computing and Communications Society have ensured that our journal is published despite challenges and we thank all our contributing authors, editors and people behind the scenes for getting the issue out.

Stay safe and contribute to the advancement of your field.

Dr. Saragur M. Srinidhi